Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Your Hands Are Your Work Force

Hands are common everyone has a pair, what each individual does with theirs is left to them. Hands are make for getting things done. Hands are skillfully, and wonderfully made to accomplish things anything under the sun, the reality is you just have to realize it and put your hands to do whatever you want them to do, and it will be done.

Everyone is empowered with a certain amount of ability to make things happen, and getting things done. If we understand these principles we will soon begin to discover the will power within us and take charge of our lives. The intellect of man is vast and is to be discovered by each individual, people who are self taught and become successful are those who discover their inner resource, tap in, and draw from it, some things cannot be taught, they are discovered, while learning is good we can chain our minds to learning and never make a discovery.

People who are practical tends to work with their hands a great deal, they are artistic, developers, creative, inventors, they tend to be limitless in their resources, as it were its a natural flow of potential. Just face it if we inherit natural attributes from our biological parents, some of which we are proud of, how much more are we capable of inheriting creative attributes from our Creator in whose image we are made, whose source is inexhaustible. by Lucilda Evans

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